Quest:Warband: Corugwen the Cunning

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Warband: Corugwen the Cunning
Level 98
Type Fellowship
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Corugwen the Cunning
Starts at Lamedon
Start Region Lamedon
Map Ref [62.0S, 57.6W]
Ends with Auto-complete
Quest Chain Lamedon
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

A bandit raiding party led by Corugwen patrols northern Lamedon, searching for targets for pillaging, looting, and burning.


A bandit raiding party led by Corugwen patrols northern Lamedon, searching for targets for pillaging, looting, and burning.

Objective 1

Corugwen and her raiding party can be found in northern Lamedon, in West Gondor.

You should defeat Corugwen and her raiding party.

Objective 2

  • Completed

You have defeated Corugwen, leader of raiding bandits in northern Lamedon.

The undefended peasants of Lamedon will be grateful for your valiant efforts on their behalf.